gazebo at night
Originally uploaded by faithful nomad.
so this kid Billy Egan in Spring Lake New Jersey decided to plan an Elias benefit concert, and hand it to Shane in this condition: all we had to do was show up. he found a generator, got the permits, called us, got me to do some posters, called his friends, found places for us to stay, and even booked an opening act that we knew and approved of. all by himself!
so we left around 6am this morning to get to NJ by about 1:30, we drove by the beach and through this beautiful town, and then found our boy Billy at the gazebo. we spent a few hours setting up with him and his friends, and then the people started coming...
i got to hang out with Brad Corrigan (musician, Christian, surfer), a man who has dramatically changed my life in the past year. shane offered me a job, etc, but brad first introduced me to her and brought me to nicaragua. being with him is always just an uplifting experience. every time we hang out, he says something or does something that makes me pause and i feel a little shift in my way of thinking. so we got to chill a bit, and it was great.
the concert was lovely. outisde in the twilight, some good music and great people. we raised $4000 in ONE NIGHT with only 250 people there, and all proceeds went to Obangatek (led by my other Nicaragua buddy Jonathan).
OH WAIT THERE'S MORE: after the concert we had a barbeque, hosted by a few parents. then we found out that we all were going to sleep in BEDS and not on the floor or in the van. for me, the experience of getting back into a bed for once was wonderful. great way to end the day.
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