then Kathy went back to school and became Pastor Karch. she ended up at Edison Park Community Church and now has her own congregation! and low and behold, someone needed a website. and they knew a girl who had become a designer.
so the website isn't anything to write home about, but it's fun and simple, functional. while i was working at the architecture firm last year we had half-day fridays year round... and back when i had a car and drove to work (!) (unthinkable to pull off now) i would spend friday afternoons being impacted by a wise, wonderful, nurturing woman who is still like a second mother.
then i moved again. this was THE move of last year, the LA / Boston moves and Pastor Karch was one of the people who i tended to, shall we say, neglect while i was gone. but i'm back now, and even though i'm sans-vehicle, i still manage to stay invested in the Edison Park Community Church :) we had a very entertaining event, a guy called the church who was a guitar player / songwriter and was just like, uh, hey, can i play? and Edison Park Church answered, well sure. Come on over. Pastor Karch is seated (with her husband) closest to the camera, in the black outfit:
there was a full house, which is great for Edison Park Church. the vast majority of the congregation is over 70 years old, and they sang along with the familiar hymns.
the church offered coffee, lemonade, and a picnic-style dinnner.
we also had a raffle winner who, when she won, thought she was being yelled at for talking during the show :) she was pretty adorable.
you know, it's like... the last time i saw state radio in town Chad thanked me for helping so much with Elias Fund, and i got very "aw, shucks" and was like, "i got into this to help people." and i'm nervous i came across as being, "well, everyone needs a website," and less "i think you're so amazing i'm willing to support anything you do, even if it's not easy for me to do." and that's how i feel about Kathy, my amazing friend who has seriously impacted me for the better all along.
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