my digital camera finally broke. like, beyond repair, no amount of reproaching or threats to my little inanimate object will scare it into submission. after two solid years of nearly daily use, it's gone.
what i think i already miss most about it is the ability to let others in on the joke. i was sitting here just now having lunch when i looked at my chicken soup and black tea and i thought to myself, it's my own starfish and coffee. these things don't go together.
without my camera, i can't just post the photo and title it 'starfish and coffee.' oh no, i have to write it. and then it takes too long to tell, and the joke is over before it's ready to be over, whereas the photo would have taken a fifth of the time, making the joke funnier. which it needs, cause it was never that funny to begin with.
oh, camera. [sheds a single tear]
what this does open the door to, though, is the possibility of a Nikon D80. it's SO HOT. just give me a little time and we'll have fun soon.
come on, give a goat
World Vision's gift catalog: click here.
Gifts on the list (everything bought is given to a family)
- $75 / goat
- $14 / wheelchair
- $32 / educational support
- $100 / share of a deep well
and local: $25 / for $300 worth of necessities:
One of every six children in America lives in poverty. Your gift delivers critical supplies such as brand-new clothing, diapers, blankets, household and personal care items, and toys to strengthen families and help provide children with a sense of hope and self-esteem. Thanks to corporate product donations, your gift distributes 12 times its face value!
please share this link - here is the URL
Gifts on the list (everything bought is given to a family)
- $75 / goat
- $14 / wheelchair
- $32 / educational support
- $100 / share of a deep well
and local: $25 / for $300 worth of necessities:
One of every six children in America lives in poverty. Your gift delivers critical supplies such as brand-new clothing, diapers, blankets, household and personal care items, and toys to strengthen families and help provide children with a sense of hope and self-esteem. Thanks to corporate product donations, your gift distributes 12 times its face value!
please share this link - here is the URL
where the h*** did november go?!
lots of links in this post - have fun
today is a slow day at the office, which is nice because i haven't had a slow day at new role yet. it's been crazy, and amazing, and so stimulating that i've gone back to my 2002 habits of not sleeping... we're talking average four hours a night. i've been up reading, working, writing (though not here). some huge ideas are brewing, and i can't talk about them all here but needless to say it's all got me pretty worked up.
i saw that war profiteer movie last wednesday and it's adding fuel to my fire. i sat with thirty strangers in a church that has a history of social justice work - they also turn out to be the only people i've heard reference Jubilee 2000 since i was in South Africa - and afterwards we talked about iraq and democracy and 9-11. i realized why i invest so much in other countries' work - it's so much easier to research and believe that what you find is true. i read books on che guevara by st. martin's press and assume they're factual... i read newsweek and assume it's not. kind of f-ed up, let's be honest, so i do what i often do when scared: i ignore the problem and look for something different to give me a sense of security.
but anyway, sorry, the point really is that i think part of why i've avoided getting caught up in america's business is that it's so much harder to gain footholds while you're on the inside and enjoying the benefits of well-fed ignorance (that link is just to show that my life is very good and easy, relative to the rest of the world, not calling anyone ignorant but myself). especially in the United States, especially in Chicago, where complacency actually gets you closer to the american dream. i don't rock the Chi-town boat, i really love my city, and i love that Daley does the LEED architecture stuff (LEED = Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ ) (wiki link) but we all know that Al Capone was not the first nor the last crook to manipulate our local system.
(i am not calling Daley a crook.) (seriously.)
yipes. lot going on in this little head of mine.
i'm cutting back on freelance work again. i've got three things going on right now aside from the Real Job and that's more than enough. without meaning to, i've become one of those people who are so invested in many things that none of them gets true attention, every last thing i claim to be committed to is fit in-between other things.
today is a slow day at the office, which is nice because i haven't had a slow day at new role yet. it's been crazy, and amazing, and so stimulating that i've gone back to my 2002 habits of not sleeping... we're talking average four hours a night. i've been up reading, working, writing (though not here). some huge ideas are brewing, and i can't talk about them all here but needless to say it's all got me pretty worked up.
i saw that war profiteer movie last wednesday and it's adding fuel to my fire. i sat with thirty strangers in a church that has a history of social justice work - they also turn out to be the only people i've heard reference Jubilee 2000 since i was in South Africa - and afterwards we talked about iraq and democracy and 9-11. i realized why i invest so much in other countries' work - it's so much easier to research and believe that what you find is true. i read books on che guevara by st. martin's press and assume they're factual... i read newsweek and assume it's not. kind of f-ed up, let's be honest, so i do what i often do when scared: i ignore the problem and look for something different to give me a sense of security.
but anyway, sorry, the point really is that i think part of why i've avoided getting caught up in america's business is that it's so much harder to gain footholds while you're on the inside and enjoying the benefits of well-fed ignorance (that link is just to show that my life is very good and easy, relative to the rest of the world, not calling anyone ignorant but myself). especially in the United States, especially in Chicago, where complacency actually gets you closer to the american dream. i don't rock the Chi-town boat, i really love my city, and i love that Daley does the LEED architecture stuff (LEED = Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ ) (wiki link) but we all know that Al Capone was not the first nor the last crook to manipulate our local system.
(i am not calling Daley a crook.) (seriously.)
yipes. lot going on in this little head of mine.
i'm cutting back on freelance work again. i've got three things going on right now aside from the Real Job and that's more than enough. without meaning to, i've become one of those people who are so invested in many things that none of them gets true attention, every last thing i claim to be committed to is fit in-between other things.
Mohammad said,
"do not dig many shallow wells.
dig one well and dig it deep."
Mohammad said,
"do not dig many shallow wells.
dig one well and dig it deep."
well, crap.
things on my mind.
- i still can't believe i missed mandy's birthday
- jay's birthday is today
- he's in Hong Kong
- thanksgiving is next week
- i need to get Austin's site up
- if thanksgiving is next week, Christmas is in twenty minutes
- what's my budget like?
- how do i actually commit to anything?
- what actually matters to me?
- really. i want to know.
and now for something (else) completely different
nicknames of every president. enjoy.
makes you realize how short a time we've actually had any power.
makes you realize how short a time we've actually had any power.
one more retropost
another post that should have been posted two weeks ago
listening to Nick Drake and worried about freelance. i have two web clients this month and web always takes a long time for me. the design drags and then suddenly i have this huge IDEA that WORKS but then i have to still build it. never fun.
i want mandy to be in town today really, really badly. more than the usual nostalgic "we could be at the beach today" feeling, like i'm homesick for her.
this is funny, i'm totally not in any kind of negative mood, i'm just a little sleepy after lunch and letting my mind wander. it's a confetti blur of owen and mandy and brad and a different brad and denver and minnesota and my design camp crush and a resurfacing of my original crush, remembering what that felt like way back in the beginning of infatuation. coasting on that warm fuzzy feeling for a while :)
a couple weeks ago after i got back from denver, someone from denver was in my town and it was kind of a big deal. i took a half-day from work so that i could do a half-assed super amateur photo shoot of brad corrigan's band, in town for a show.

things got off-schedule like the tend to do, so we took photos by walking around the block and finding things like someone's stoop, a green door, a brick wall to shoot against. i was apprehensive that it would be awkward but then it totally wasn't. sometimes i'm still timid after all i've been and done, timid that i'm an intruder, but they definitely let me in and feel like they were glad i was there.
so we took some good shots and i killed time with the guys in the green room of the beat kitchen before the show, getting some dinner and watching YouTube clips.

the show was wednesday night, and the crowd was different than usual: older, meaner, more drunk than ever before - but i chalk that up to it being wednesday. the show was great, the music was solid.

one of the best parts: rampant drum solos.
i want mandy to be in town today really, really badly. more than the usual nostalgic "we could be at the beach today" feeling, like i'm homesick for her.
this is funny, i'm totally not in any kind of negative mood, i'm just a little sleepy after lunch and letting my mind wander. it's a confetti blur of owen and mandy and brad and a different brad and denver and minnesota and my design camp crush and a resurfacing of my original crush, remembering what that felt like way back in the beginning of infatuation. coasting on that warm fuzzy feeling for a while :)
a couple weeks ago after i got back from denver, someone from denver was in my town and it was kind of a big deal. i took a half-day from work so that i could do a half-assed super amateur photo shoot of brad corrigan's band, in town for a show.
things got off-schedule like the tend to do, so we took photos by walking around the block and finding things like someone's stoop, a green door, a brick wall to shoot against. i was apprehensive that it would be awkward but then it totally wasn't. sometimes i'm still timid after all i've been and done, timid that i'm an intruder, but they definitely let me in and feel like they were glad i was there.
so we took some good shots and i killed time with the guys in the green room of the beat kitchen before the show, getting some dinner and watching YouTube clips.
the show was wednesday night, and the crowd was different than usual: older, meaner, more drunk than ever before - but i chalk that up to it being wednesday. the show was great, the music was solid.
one of the best parts: rampant drum solos.
uh, so i went to denver
that was... two weeks ago. my friend katie was getting married, and i went with jenna and my parents to the land of mountains and hippies that are also preppies. organic / crunchy / pottery barn. if they can learn to all live in peace, then what are the rest of us doing?
added bonus: i spent my morning having coffee with my dear friend joe, who used to be one of my city urchins and is now domesticated (in a good way) with a fiancee and a dog. we took his puppy for a walk. very nice introduction to joe's life, one i've only heard about so far.

and let's be honest, any time i get to see the mountains i get excited. while i was here, and when i was living in california, i was amazed to just see mountains whenever i wanted, like, just find a window! they're RIGHT THERE! it's the only time i feel 1. like "a midwesterner" and 2. like maybe there is something the otherwise perfect city of chicago is missing.

katie's wedding was beautiful. weddings are always pretty, but sometimes they're transformative - like when the doors opened, she was lace and glitter and perfect.

the church itself was a fairly inspirational, even for a place of worship -

between the mass and the reception, we hit what was the original chipotle. like, THE FIRST. i feel it's worth mentioning.

the reception was as nice as the ceremony - katie had it in a wildlife center, so it was a wedding but also artwork, and museum-esque exhibits.

this photo is for anne, who wasn't there - jenna imitating a moose:

and a photo i took when jenna and i snuck onto the balcony overlooking the reception area
added bonus: i spent my morning having coffee with my dear friend joe, who used to be one of my city urchins and is now domesticated (in a good way) with a fiancee and a dog. we took his puppy for a walk. very nice introduction to joe's life, one i've only heard about so far.
and let's be honest, any time i get to see the mountains i get excited. while i was here, and when i was living in california, i was amazed to just see mountains whenever i wanted, like, just find a window! they're RIGHT THERE! it's the only time i feel 1. like "a midwesterner" and 2. like maybe there is something the otherwise perfect city of chicago is missing.
katie's wedding was beautiful. weddings are always pretty, but sometimes they're transformative - like when the doors opened, she was lace and glitter and perfect.
the church itself was a fairly inspirational, even for a place of worship -
between the mass and the reception, we hit what was the original chipotle. like, THE FIRST. i feel it's worth mentioning.
the reception was as nice as the ceremony - katie had it in a wildlife center, so it was a wedding but also artwork, and museum-esque exhibits.
this photo is for anne, who wasn't there - jenna imitating a moose:
and a photo i took when jenna and i snuck onto the balcony overlooking the reception area
blind melon - better than coffee
i've read that when you have a song in your head it's like your brain is trying to scratch an itch. so when i get something in my head i try to listen to that song in order to get a move on, scratch it and get back to my day.
in light of that, it may (or may not) be of interest to some that i've had blind melon's "the pusher" in my head for, oh, almost three days. and when i play it, i get that guitar in the beginning, and it's like nothing else for the time being...
in light of that, it may (or may not) be of interest to some that i've had blind melon's "the pusher" in my head for, oh, almost three days. and when i play it, i get that guitar in the beginning, and it's like nothing else for the time being...
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